dimanche 31 décembre 2006

Sand Waves 02

Pierre noire drawing (A4)

Sand's and Cheich's Waves

Acrylic painting (A4).

Sand Waves 01

Photograph of sand waves.

The Guide's Cheich

Acrylic painting (A4).

vendredi 22 décembre 2006

The Guide's Eyes

Drawing with Rembrandt soft pastels (A4).

The protected Guide

Drawing with pierre noire, pastel, sepia, Sanguine Medicis crayons (A4).

Touaregs cover their head and face to protect themselves from the sun, the wind, and the coldness of the night but also to mark respect to other people. They use a scarf named “cheich” of 3, 5 or 7 meters. The colourful cheich on their heads show beautiful drapes.

The thinking Guide 03

Drawing with oil pastels (A4).

jeudi 21 décembre 2006

The thinking Guide 02

Drawing with watercolour crayons and a felt pen (A4).

The thinking Guide 01

Drawing with Sanguine Medicis crayon (A4).

A Touareg guide. He is a thinker!

The Thinker's Ear

Drawing with Sanguine Medicis crayon (A4).
The ear of the previous drawing becomes one head more!

The Thinker's Body

Drawing with Sanguine Medicis crayon (A4).

The silhouette's body of the previous drawing becomes a new head.

The Desert's Thinker

Drawing with Sanguine Medicis crayon (A4).

The rocky Thinker

Photograph of Catherine Juillerat, November 2006
TIHITANÉ, South of Tahaggart, Hoggar's Tassili, South of Algeria

The rock looks like a man's silhouette, with his kin leant on his fist, like “The Thinker” of Rodin.
The body part of the silhouette can be seen as another head:
the arm becomes a nose, the chest becomes a cheek.

Let start the metamorphosis!

The Thinker, Rodin

Flyer of a Rodin exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts in London,
23 September 2006 - 1 January 2007.

Starting a metamorphosis series

Here is a series of metamorphosis. I found inspiration in some photographs that I made in my trip in the Algerian desert.
I could see a lot of head shapes in rocky landscapes. One of them is particularly impressive. The silhouette shows me analogy with Rodin’s sculpture “The Thinker”.
I went from one drawing to the other, letting my imagination following its own way.


Metamorphosis assignment,
last part of Visual Studies module 1.1
for the Bachelor of Art in Textile Art, option embroidery
Opus School of Textile Art (Harrow on the Hill, Middlesex)
and the Middlesex University